Customized to You

Unique Specialty Services

We know we’re doing our job right when your business is successful. DOC Services is always adapting its specialty service offerings to meet the unique needs of different partners. We have decades of experience finding creative, cost-effective solutions for customers across the industries we serve.

Specialized solutions

Catered to Your Needs

DOC Services does maintenance, and does it well. Still, we’re not going to keep doing the same old, same old just because that’s how things have always been done. If we see a better way to achieve your business objectives, we’ll share our insights. 

We’ve even developed and patented solutions to help our partners:

With 35 years of experience in service and maintenance...

DOC Services has the skills and know-how to innovate and customize solutions for your needs.

Enjoy our industry-leading commitment to provide excellent customer service but know that we’re also your partner. Our expert technicians can find a specialty solution to serve you better.

Unique Needs Require

Customized Services

DOC Services facilitates your success with well-trained technical experts and innovative technology supporting your business assets. Our world-class specialty services are tailored to your needs.

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My Direct Tech

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Custom Solutions + Projects

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Swaps, Installs + Removals

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Retrofits + Modifications

Break Fix / Reactive

DOC Services facilitates your success with well-trained technical experts and innovative technology supporting your business assets. Our world-class specialty services are tailored to your needs.